Pixel Creative Group, Inc.

Welcome to the Pixel Blog. Here we like to share what's on our minds. Might be about some creative insight or discovery. Could be a tip we've learned and want to pass on. Or, sometimes, we might just put all business aside and talk about our everyday lives. We hope you enjoy, comment, participate in discussion and share this blog with your friends and colleagues.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Year in Review

The visit in September 2008 of Hurricane Ike was closely followed by a dramatic dip in the financial world.  Those two events, at least for the Texas Gulf Coast area, seemed to put a near halt to many marketing initiatives by the first of 2009.  Some companies saw this an an opportunity to re-brand and make a mark in their fields while their competitors cautiously held tight.  Others, either unsure of what the future may hold or mindful of the appearance of frugality in volatile times, chose to slow or stop their marketing efforts altogether.  As the fears of the bottom dropping out seem to be subsiding, many companies are now emerging from their year long hibernation with new energy and ambitions.  Those who recognized the value of reinforcing their identities through the economic downturn will have a much better position as we head into 2010.  Those who have been in a holding pattern may find they have a lot of work to do to get back into the game.  Either way, 2010 looks to be a busy year as companies revive their marketing efforts and look for ways to reinforce their brands and images in a more competitive marketplace.